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Aferiy P210 Solar Power Battery Pack Reviews

by AFERIY Service 22 Apr 2024 0 Comments

In this modern age, the need for reliable power sources on the go has become increasingly evident. Most of your appliances and devices wouldn't work if you are off-grid. Losing the convenience of various electrical appliances feels like returning to primitive life all of a sudden. That's where solar power pack come in. They can be a reliable backup power source for emergencies to keep you powered up. In this review, we'll follow Frugal Queen in France, a YouTube influencer with 32.3K subscribers, and learn more about how portable power stations help her and her husband live in frequent power outages, and save their electricity costs.

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Welcome To Frugal Queen In France

Hi everybody and welcome back to the channel. If you're here for the very first time, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Jane and my husband Mike is behind the camera.

We're British early retirees. We've got no debt and paid off the mortgage. We live a thrifty, frugal, and money-saving life here in Brittany in Northwest France.

Why We Choose Solar Power Pack?

Now and then, we get sent products to review. So we've got a solar power pack that we want to share with you today. There is a bit of a story to tell you why we got really interested in this.

We've lived here in a very rural part of France, with thick forests around us. We've still got above-ground wires.

Every single winter, we have had major power cuts and really quite big storms. Last year with Storm Kieran, we were eight days without power, and some of the people around us were 18 days without power. So, it's really essential to have power backup.

We've got gas petrol generators, and they have their limitations. First of all, they were costing us €20 to €30 a day in fuel to run them. Secondly, they're really smelly and really noisy. You have to have them a distance from your house because the noise just drives you crazy. On top of that, we couldn't run them at night at all. We couldn't keep our neighbors awake with a gas generator. So we started looking into power packs and solar power packs.

There are lots on the market, and we've tried quite a few. The latest one that we've been sent is one that we're really impressed with. It is the Aferiy and this model is called the P210. Let's get into the details about this piece of kit.

Aferiy P210 Solar Power Battery Pack

User-Friendly Design

What I like about this thing is its simplicity. That's the first thing. There are no fancy apps or anything with this. It just does what it does. You charge it up and you use it.

User-Friendly Design

Powerful Features

I've got a 2,400W power station here. It will run about anything, which is important for me in a power cut. For example, it will run my washing machine. I used this and I got three loaves of laundry out of one solar charge. That is awesome.


There's something else that I don't think a lot of people talk about when they show you these solar boxes is that you can charge this obviously from the mains now. I don't need to tell you how expensive electricity is. It's expensive everywhere. But if you are like us, you have any period of time in the day when you have off-peak power and it is cheaper.

We charge this up at nighttime between 10:00 at night and 6:00 in the morning. Our electricity is only 12 cents per kilowatt-hour. So what we do is we charge up the solar box in this period. We store that cheap electricity. We never pay the full daytime rate for our electricity. That is really cool.

Reliable Power Sources

We can use this portable power station to power all our small devices. For instance, it works well with my mini oven, I think Americans would call it a toaster oven. You can make a cup of tea. The kettle is an electric kettle. It runs our espresso coffee machine which is vital. I cannot tell you in that power storm in that power cut how it was hell. I couldn't just press a button and make myself a cup of coffee. It was awful never going to happen again.

Use a electric kettle with portable power station

Fast Charging

What else I can tell you about this brilliant thing is that it charges in 2 hours on the mains. We can charge this portable power station with our generator in 2 hours in a power cut scenario. That saves us a massive amount of money on fuel as it can be charged by solar panels. We only have to run the solar generator again at some later time.

Multiple Output Ports

Let's talk about what's on here. We've got a 12-volt socket and another 12-volt socket for your little camping devices. We've got all the USB ports and charging ports here.

electrical sockets of portable power station

It's got a light on the side and around the side here, we've got our electrical sockets. So our are the European ones. If you're in the UK, they'll come as UK sockets, USA, Australia wherever, it'll be the sockets for your country.

Power Station comes with Electrical Sockets

That is those at the top. I've got these into my solar panels. And this is what we use to plug it into the mains or if we're using it with our generator. I quite like that in the top, because I do really detest cables with nowhere to go all neat and folded up.

Top of Power Station

Aferiy S200 Solar Panels

Lightweight And Easy To Move

We also got sent the Aferiy S200. These are 200W solar panels. What I love about this mobile system is that you know, as the sun's traveling around and moving from one side of the garden to the next, I can just pick these up and move them and get the maximum out of the sun.

Foldable Solar Panels S200

In the morning, they're obviously facing east. I've then got them facing south in the middle day. At the end of the day, I've got them facing west to get absolutely the maximum Sun. They're 200W panels. It takes pretty much all day of a sunny day to completely charge our box up.

The Solar Panels Are Lightweight And Easy To Move

Efficient Energy Conversions

However, it's such a good box. It holds such a lot of energy a lot of electricity that we've never really drained the box down that much. We got it about halfway and then we've got these out in the garden on a winter sunny day when the sun is really quite low. But we've got the box back up to about 80% again. They're really quite effective. They're really really light. There's no installation there's no putting them on the roof. You can stand them on your patio on your back garden, on the step, or anywhere you like.

Best For Camping Power Source

We live in quite a touristy area of Brittany here in France. And all year round, we have camping events and a camping atmosphere in our village. And I've noticed that more and more of them have their mobile solar panels just like these - the fold-up ones. They just lean them against the side of their camping van or their car or whatever they're using, and just park up and charge them up.

Foldable And Compact Design

The best thing I like about these is they just fold up really small you can put them in the garden shed, put them in the basement, bring them in the house, or put them underneath the sofa. They take up no space, and they are really really light.

Affordable Price

So those are the solar panels that come with it, in case, you're interested in what these costs that's €329 current prices. Who knows there might be offers, €289. You've got to admit, although it sounds like a huge amount of money if you've ever looked into a solar installation in your house, which is thousands. And then you got to pay electricians to come and install it. These plug-and-play systems are entry-level prices for using solar energy, having a solar backup having a power pack backup, and using solar power in the summer. For that price, it's still considered a reasonably priced entry-level into solar energy.

We have tested this on everything. I'm capable of carrying this outside to set it up, charge it, bring it in, and carry it from room to room. I'm no weight trainer. I'm no weight lifter, and I can manage this Aferiy.

I can get it upstairs, and plug it into the air conditioning. We got a mobile air conditioning unit. We don't use it very much in northern France blessing that it's not too hot. But come summertime that is a cost concern for us. But having this charged up in the summer on solar will mean we won't worry about it if it gets hot.

We won't worry about any of the storms either. I can make a cup of tea. I can make myself a coffee. I can keep the freezer going. Amazingly, it will keep the freezer going all night. If there's a storm, I need to recharge this with the gas generator. I know my food is okay. Our food is one of our biggest bills and I've got hundreds of Euros in the freezer. I don't want to lose it. 

Usage of Solar Generator Kits

For Home-Appliance

We have tested this on everything. I'm capable of carrying this outside to set it up, charge it, bring it in, and carry it from room to room. I'm no weight trainer. I'm no weight lifter, and I can manage this Aferiy.

I can get it upstairs, and plug it into the air conditioning. We got a mobile air conditioning unit. We don't use it very much in northern France blessing that it's not too hot. But come summertime that is a cost concern for us. But having this charged up in the summer on solar will mean we won't worry about it if it gets hot.

We won't worry about any of the storms either. I can make a cup of tea. I can make myself a coffee. I can keep the freezer going. Amazingly, it will keep the freezer going all night. If there's a storm, I need to recharge this with the gas generator. I know my food is okay. Our food is one of our biggest bills and I've got hundreds of Euros in the freezer. I don't want to lose it.

This will run the dehumidifier in our basement. It will run the air purifier in our living room. It will run some things in my kitchen obviously. It will run a mini oven it'll run the air fryer for a point of time, and even run my iron. It runs my hair dryer and those are necessary things.

Obviously, it's not going to run everything all at the same time. It's just going to last and last and last. It's a battery. It stores that energy. But knowing that, we've got this power pack at storms. We've got that security now with this battery. They are really helpful home power backups.

For Remote Working

People here who really need to have power 24 hours a day. They are digital Nomads - they've got computers working from home, they're running accountancy firms from home, and they really do not need to lose anything on their computers. They can use power packs to keep their appliances going. They can also keep CPAC machines running. When it comes to power failures, all of those days of power cuts, it's essential to them that they have it.

For Camping

We also know, people who are campers caravaners, for them, this means that they can go and stay on any campsite they like. They don't have to book a hookup when they get there, which is limited in some French campsites if you're in the UK as well. You'll know if you want to just turn up the hookup campsites, the bonds with the electric power, there are usually only about eight of them on the entire site. Having these power sources for camping really helps. So I hope, I've given you a really good explanation of everything that this does.


From what you can see, it's available all over the EU. It's available all over the US lower 49, maybe not Alaska. I can't tell you about that one. And it is available in the UK as well - we've tested it.

We've tested many other solar power packs. We're impressed with this one. We're impressed with the durability of the battery. It holds its charge really really well. And that's a difference between one company. In some of them we tested, the battery drains quicker than in others. But this one really holds its charge. And it charges really fast. That's a really important thing, especially if you're like this, and you want to save a few Euros here. We charge it at night so we never pay full price for electricity.

I hope you found that interesting watch for the end card we'll put more technical details up for you thanks for watching.

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